An Introduction of Sorts…

I’ve had this blog for a while, but only last year did I really start to update it.  And then I fell off the band wagon, of course.  Haha.

So, in honor of the New Year and the blogging challenge I’ve started (Zero to Blogging Hero, check it out in my sidebar), I want to give a brief introduction of myself.  ^^

Who I Am


My name is Megan, I’m a 25-year old English teacher living abroad in Japan.  I’m currently in Fukuoka city and I love it.  I graduated from college with a double major in Journalism and Japanese Studies.  It took me a couple years to make the decision to return to Japan, but I finally did in May of 2013 and I couldn’t be happier about my current situation.

Why I’m Writing

I’m a Journalist.  I say that very lightly.  I think ‘struggling’ Journalist would be a better idea.  While I was living in America I had a really difficult time finding a job, even though I had quite a bit of experience and skills.  So, I eventually gave up and applied for an English teaching company in Japan.  This isn’t my end-goal though, I’m still a long way off.  I want to eventually live and support myself by writing.  This blog is my first step in that direction.

I started this with the intention of writing every day.  It got to be too daunting last year, especially with a big move to Japan and not having internet for over a month.  But now that I’m well-adjusted to my life here and have finally figured out a routine, I plan on blogging as much as I can.  I don’t want to say ‘every day’ because let’s be realistic, there might just be some days where I can’t physically do it.  But I’ll try.

And hopefully, exercising my brain and my fingertips every day will help me to clear up my writer’s block.  I’ve been pretty blocked up for over 3 years now, so this is also an attempt to help get my creative juices flowing again.

What Makes me Unique

If I had to describe myself in one sentence, it would be: ‘I am a 25-year old book devouring, video game conquering, bunny loving, crazy craft addict.’

I once briefly flirted with the idea of having a blog dedicated to reading that list of 100 best books, but I never got to it.  Maybe I’ll start it up as a side project later on.  It’s hard to get English books here in Japan though.

I read a lot.  It’s just like watching a movie for me.  My imagination gets so active that sometimes I’ll forget where I am.  Yeah, I was that girl who walked home from school reading, tripped over a bump in the sidewalk and scrapped my arms/hands up just so I wouldn’t ruin the book.  Ahhh, some of the best years of my life.

My favorite author is Karin Slaughter.  She writes crime fiction, and boy is she good at it.  I’ve been hooked since book one.  I’ve met her in person one time and I almost died I was so excited.  I’ve always won one of her contests… I won the consolation ‘Don’t ever bake cupcakes again’ prize.  You can check it out here:

I’m also a pretty big gamer and I have been my whole life.  I grew up with Nintendo.  I love anything Mario related and if it’s an RPG, I have to at least try it.  Two of my all-time favorite games are: Baten Kaitos and Tales of Symphonia.  I just recently bought a PS3 and have been addicted to Skyrim and Assassin’s Creed.  I’m always looking for new games to play, so throw some suggestions my way.  Tales of Xillia is arriving in the mail sometime next week, so of course I’ll be holed up playing that.

I have a healthy an unhealthy addiction to bunnies.  I got my first rabbit when I was 13.  His name was Cream.  He had a brother that I named Cookies.  One day I’ll scrounge up a photo of the two of them.  This is Cream.


He was my best friend for a really long time.  He passed away two days after my 23rd birthday.  That’s right, I had him for 10 years.  That’s an incredibly long time for a dwarf bunny.  I still miss him every single day.  Every one used to laugh and say that he was an exact copy of me, just in rabbit form.  He had the perfect attitude and everything.  That was my baby.  So, from having him for so long, stemmed this addiction to bunnies.

I love all types of bunnies.  Big, floppy eared bunnies to small, fuzzy fluff ball bunnies.  And everything in-between.  If it looks like a rabbit, I’ve probably saved the pictures, pinned it on Pinterest and posted it on my blog.  I’m a Grade A bunny enthusiast.  And I am NOT ashamed.

And lastly, I’m a craft addict.  It’s hard to be addicted to crafts in a country where you read/speak minimal Japanese, but as I learn more every day I plan on getting back into my crafting.  I used to make my own Christmas cards and do other random crafts I found on Pinterest.  I grew up in a house that really fostered creativity.  To this day my mom’s basement is full of every possible crafting item you might need.  Seriously, it’s like craft haven.  I miss it sometimes.  I could just go down there and create whatever I wanted.  For Halloween this year my best friends and I painted skulls.


I’ll definitely be one of those moms that always does a bunch of crafts with their kids.  I’ll probably enjoy them more than the kids will.  ^^

What to Expect

Some days, I’m not even sure what I’m going to post.  Yesterday it was a collection of my favorite YouTube artists.  Tomorrow it might finally be a post I’ve been meaning to write since September.  Or maybe we’ll talk about skin cancer.  Or, honestly, maybe I’ll revisit illiteracy in America again.  Who knows.

And that’s honestly what makes blogging so much fun for me.  I never have a set plan, I never have set goals.  I just write, which is sometimes the best way to do it.  If something inspires me, I want to just take it and run with it.  I do have some loose plans for things I would like to do, but it’s never concrete.  I blog pretty much the way I live my life, ‘Whatever happens, happens.’

And you know what, I’m ok with that.

So sit down, shut up, keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, and hang on.  It’s going to be a wild ride.  Let’s embrace 2014 together, with a smile on our face and the wind at our backs!